Our lunchtime Zoom meetings offer flexibility and cater to professionals from various backgrounds, fostering a dynamic and robust networking environment.

First, attend one of our meetings as a guest. If you feel it’s the right fit, you can then submit an application to join our chapter by following this link: https://www.empirebusinessnetwork.com/contact/

Just come prepared to introduce yourself and your business in a brief manner. It’s a supportive environment, so simply be genuine and eager to connect.

Our weekly meetings last anywhere from 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes. We try to stick to our schedule as we know everyone has a busy day to get back to.

Changes are possible but need to be discussed and approved by the leadership team to ensure there’s no overlap with existing members.

Our members span a range of industries. Please check our “Members” page on the website for the current list.

Yes, we occasionally host events to foster deeper relationships among members and to offer more relaxed networking opportunities.

Yes, you’re encouraged to visit other chapters, especially if you’re looking to expand your network.

While you’re not mandated to bring referrals every meeting, it’s encouraged to actively look for opportunities to help fellow members.

Active participation, consistent attendance, and a genuine commitment to the “Givers Gain” philosophy are keys to maximizing benefits. This means you should make sure to have 1-2-1s on a weekly basis. Meet other members, learn about each others businesses.

To register for MSP training, please visit this link: https://manhattanbni.com/en-US/events

Yes, BNI provides various training opportunities to help members maximize their experience and gain more referrals. All members are required to attend at least one MSP training class when they join.

BNI was founded in 1985 by Dr. Ivan Misner. So, it has been around for decades, helping businesses grow worldwide.

A structured agenda which includes open networking, member introductions, a featured presentation, referral sharing, and more.

If you can’t attend a meeting, send a substitute to avoid an absence. You’re allowed 3 absences in a continuous 6 month period.

Yes, consistent attendance is vital to maintain the strength and effectiveness of the network. Members should be present at most meetings.

Members actively seek opportunities to refer business to their fellow chapter members. When a potential lead or referral is identified, it’s shared within the group.

Absolutely! We can provide assistance or guidance on using Zoom, ensuring everyone can participate easily.

BNI operates on the philosophy of “Givers Gain.” This means that by providing business to others, you will get business in return.

No, each chapter allows only one person per professional category to ensure exclusivity.

Yes, there are annual membership fees to BNI which cover the cost of administration, training, and other BNI initiatives.

We meet every week, Wednesday at 12:50pm on Zoom for a lunch time meeting, making it convenient for those who find mornings busy or those constantly on-the-move

BNI Chapter 67 is a part of the global Business Networking International organization. We are a group of professionals who meet regularly to network, share referrals, and grow our businesses together.